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European Cancer Imaging Initiative launched to boost R&D


New digital infrastructure to link up cancer imaging resources and databases across the EU

An initiative to create a digital infrastructure to link up cancer imaging resources and databases across the EU has been launched by the European Commission.

Under the European Cancer Imaging Initiative, an EU-wide digital platform will be created to give researchers, healthcare providers and other innovators “easy access” to large amounts of cancer imaging data and the ability to test innovations to advance diagnostics and treatments of the disease, according to the Commission.

The Commission launched the initiative on 23 January with €18 million for its implementation going to the European Federation for Cancer Images project.

Over 70 major European research organisations, institutions and companies are set to be involved in creating the platform throughout the year, with designs expected to be completed by December. The first version of the platform will then be made available by the end of 2024 and the final release is expected by the end of 2025. The platform is expected to be fully operational and running in 2026.

The Commission said the digital infrastructure will adhere to high standards for ethics, trust, security and protection of personal data.

The initiative is a “flagship” action under the EU’s Beating Cancer Plan to strengthen the bloc’s “fight” against cancer, which includes other R&D-boosting measures.

It is also in line with the European Health Data Space, a scheme to improve access to patients’ healthcare data across the EU.